We are a gathered group of ordinary people, thirsty for hope and good news. We’re not perfect, but we trust God’s good work among us. We trust that God is not yet done with us and that, in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all the goodness of God has been cracked open and poured out for each one of us. Every. Single. Person.
You can find us every Sunday morning at 9am, worshipping in person or live on our YouTube Channel. You, too, are welcome. This Good News is for you.
Sunday mornings at 9am!
Wednesday evenings at 7 pm!
As Christ’s church, we value the richness of God’s creation and welcome all people.
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, located in downtown Green Bay, and we share a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. This faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover, and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world.