Trinity Lutheran Church – Ongoing Missions
Building Maintenance
The Church Keepers and Church Tenders meet every Thursday morning to keep the Church building and grounds in good order. Currently, some of the missions our building houses are: TLC quilters, TLC food pantry, preparation of meals for The NEW Community Shelter, preparation of meals for funerals, Coming Home Project (gives area youth a place to gather and do homework after school), and GBSD for helping kids who are having difficulty with traditional classroom settings and are not functioning at their grade level. Trinity has a wonderful facility here on Broadway – but, currently a lot of it is sitting empty. If you are looking to lease space to bring in more life and enthusiasm to our building, neighborhood, and On Broadway, please contact Dale Hansen at 920-437-8124.
NEW Community Shelter
Trinity has been providing a meal at the NEW Community Shelter 6 times a year, for many years now. Trinity volunteers prepare and serve the meal. Trinity also helps prepare and serve a collaborative meal with Bethel Lutheran Church, Resurrection Lutheran Church, and Trinity Lutheran Church, 6 times a year. None of us can do this alone. If you have the courage to accept God’s call when asked, rest assured he will be with you to see it through!
The shelter dinner meals are served 365 days a year from 5:00-6:00 pm; lunch is served every weekend and all holidays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Meals are available to anyone (adults and children) in the community who are hungry. The only requirement is that a person is peaceful and sober (if not, a brown bag lunch will be provided).
People also ask…what do we get out of doing this? We can honestly say it has brought us closer to God. To share the abundance we have with those less fortunate is a great feeling. Being part of the mission of our church and the mission of Jesus, which is to care for the poor and feed the hungry, is warming to your soul. Don’t be afraid to say yes. Even if it doesn’t change your life, it may change the life of someone else!!
Two or More Ministry Team Collaboration
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 and Matthew 18:20
Some of the missions we’ve accomplished are:
- Make A Difference Day with Resurrection Lutheran Church
- Encourage and support our youth in going to Group Workcamp with Resurrection Lutheran youth. Faith and life changing experiences
- Host Vacation Bible School at Trinity with cohosts First Presbyterian, Bethel Lutheran, Incarnation Lutheran, and/or Resurrection Lutheran. The kids learn about God’s love and have a lot of fun. It’s always nice to hear when they’d rather be at VBS than anywhere else
- Community Picnic with First Presbyterian and Cup O’Joy
- Prepare and serve a second meal at the NEW Community Shelter with Bethel and Resurrection Lutheran Churches
- Combined Confirmation class with Resurrection and Bethel Lutheran Churches. The kids enjoy being part of a larger group, learn a lot, and make new friends.
- Co-sponsor Group Workcamp 2015 with NeighborWorks and Resurrection Lutheran. It was a huge success. 65 homes repaired by 70 crews made up of 407 volunteers in just one week. Total investment in the community was over $302,000. We hope we can do this again in 2017.
What we could not accomplish alone, we accomplished together. Think about it. If we could do all of the above in a few short years what the possibilities are for the next few years. Exciting times!!
TLC quilters are smart, funny, hardworking and very giving women. The quilts we make touch so many lives – here in our community and around the world. Many of our quilts go to Lutheran World Relief where they are sent to people in need around the world. Some quilts go to House of Hope here in Green Bay. The quilts are given to the women and children who are there and they get to take the quilts with them when they leave. We make baby quilts to give to children who are baptized at Trinity. We also donate quilts for fund raisers to help the families of people who are going through expensive medical care.
“Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
TLC has been growing veggies for their food pantry for 4 years now. Our pantry customers appreciate the fresh vegetables. A woman who was raising her 6 grandchildren said she wants them to eat healthier and since they help with the cooking fresh veggies are perfect. Most of the veggies are distributed to our pantry customers but sometimes we have extras left over and those are brought to the NEW Community Shelter or Salvation Army. Depending on the weather and amount of produce, we have even been able to share with Resurrection Lutheran Church’s food pantry on Thursday.
“Your talent is God’s gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift to God.”
Leo Buscaglia
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