We try to instill in our children that Jesus loves them, is always with them, and they should treat others as they would want to be treated. The children are taught the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s Creed.
Children’s time during Sunday morning Worship is based on the Gospel reading for the week. Our Sunday School lessons use the Gospel reading to reinforce the scripture message with the children. Activities include singing and crafts.
Our classes are mixed – meaning grades are intertwined. We have found by mixing the grades together – the older children help the younger children which is an important lesson in life for the kids to learn. Our confirmation class is seventh and eighth grades.
Confirmation youth attend confirmation class on Wednesday evenings during the school year. They are asked to take notes on the sermons each week, pick a favorite Bible passage(s), and write a faith statement.
Sunday School dates for the fall of 2019 will be announced in August
Dates and lesson/mission for the month will also be posted on the bulletin board by the lounge.
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