Admin Website Ideas

As requested by Don – Use this page to add your ideas about the site.   You will need to log into the website admin then click on Pages on the lefthand side and choose Admin Website Ideas off the Pages list to edit / add ideas.

Idea or Suggestion List

1) Don’t forget to email your IP address from any computers you have at home or outside of the church.   Please visit to see your IP.  I currently have Don’s IP & the churches IP in the good list.

If you have the time check out “”     Its an online reference manual to help hunt down things you may need help with. (Don)


Old Home “call to action”

Join Trinity Lutheran

Interested in joining Trinity Lutheran Church in green bay, Wisconsin? start here by reading this information.
<a href=”/elca-teachings/”>READ ON</a>


Prayers & Inspiration

Check out this section of our website for online prayers.<br />

<strong>God Bless You!</strong>

<a href=”/pray/”>JOIN-UP</a>


Who Is Jesus Christ

When this question is personalized, it becomes the most important question one will ever be asked, or answer.  <br ?>
<br />
<strong>Who is Jesus Christ to you?</strong>

<a href=”/Who is Jesus Christ-3/”>READ ON</a>

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<strike> … </strike> Strikeout
<sup> … </sup> Superscript – Smaller text placed below normal text
<sub> … </sub> Subscript – Smaller text placed below normal text
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<blockquote> … </blockquote> Text Block Quote
<strong> … </strong> Strong – Shown as Bold in most browsers
<em> … </em> Emphasis – Shown as Italics in most browsers
<font> … </font> Font tag obsolete, use CSS. (*)


Home events widget – (new)

We are located in downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin and share a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.<p></p>

For us, as the ELCA, this faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world.<p></p>

We are a church that is always being made new, and at the same time, is deeply rooted in Scripture, Lutheran theology and Lutheran confessions.<p></p>

We invite you to our church and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.<p></p>

Thank you for visiting us online!

Home Events widget – (Easter)

Lenten Worship Times

Ash Wednesday
March 6 – 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm

March 13, 20, 27 and April 3, 10
5:45 meal, 6:30 worship

Palm Sunday Worship
9:00 am (breakfast to follow worship)

Maundy Thursday
6:00 pm with meal.

Good Friday
12:00 noon

Easter Sunday

9:00 am

Thanks for visiting us online.
