Community Happenings

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Lutheran Social Services
In Home Recovery Services 

Lutheran Social Services of Wisc. and Upper Mich.

In Home Recovery Services provides services to adults living with a mental health diagnosis in Brown County (27 clients). Persons served within this program are taught independent living skills and provided with personal support to help them achieve and maintain independence in their own home, as well as, out in the community.

Teen Pals Program
Brown County Human Services Department


The program is a new addition to the Pals Program, which has been active in the county since 1973. The Teen Pals Program aims specifically to pair volunteer mentors (21 and up) with ages 14-18 in order to help them build relationships and develop skills that will benefit their over all independance. (2-4 times per month) For more information, please contact Dustin Koury 920-448-6137 or

Brown County Pals Program

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The New Community Shelter – Green Bay
