Plugins added to WordPress

TinyMCE Advanced

Enables the advanced features of TinyMCE, the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. Go to

TinyMCE Advanced

to get information on the plug in.

go to

on how to add to the menu choices. Or you can view this site for the same thing only a little different.

Try this one too.



Custom sidebars, or Different Sidebars For Each Page. How to use on Youtube

Tylor Moore; author        FREE Icons


Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

How To Make a WordPress Website – AMAZING!

Black Studio TinyMCE starts at 45:00 Min. mark.


Menu Swapper

Trade out menues from normal site selections.


Media Library Plus

Take control of you media pictures. Create folders to keep them in.


For demo.


Meteor Slides

Have pictures you want to show, use Meteor slide. Visit

to get a feel on how to use it.


Shortcodes Ultimate

Accordions, Tabs, Column layouts, Media elements, Animations.

To view this plugin’s function select “Shortcodes” from the left hand menu and click any
choice under “More videos”.

You can view help on “You Tube Red”



Adds a spacer button to the WYSIWYG visual editor which allows you
to add precise custom spacing between lines in your posts and pages.


Title Remover

Gives you the ability to hide the title of any post, page or custom post type
item without affecting menus or titles in the admin area.



UberMenu 3

The documentation/support guide contains everything you’ll need to know about UberMenu’s
features, and should be your first stop for any questions you have regarding functionality.
You can navigate to the docs by placing the cursor over UberMenu from the top menu on the
dashboard, select knowledgebase, and select video tutorials to learn UberMenu.
