Sunday June 19, 2016 - We are all children of God.
About Us
Who is Trinity Lutheran? We are a community of people who have been gathering every week since 1867 to receive new life at God’s table and to be sent out in service to God’s Kingdom.
As we say every week at worship, “We are rooted in Christ, serving on Broadway, planting seeds of faith, hope, and love.”
Pr. Rachel is a native of Illinois (the non-Chicago part of the state) but has enjoyed adopting Green Bay as home since coming to Trinity in 2015.
In a previous life, she worked with adults with intellectual disabilities at a L’Arche community in Washington state, where she met her wife, Erin, and she still has a passion for building community and connections.
When not ‘pastoring,’ Pr. Rachel enjoys building rickety furniture and digging holes in the yard that will one day be beautiful gardens.
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Service Times: Sundays @ 9:00 am Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm
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